ICAISD 2024 is an International Conference for sharing knowledges and researches in Computer and Information Science and provide a platform for researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and shares the cutting-edge development of Computer and Information Science research.
ICAISD 2024 will provide an excellent international conference for sharing knowledge and results in Computer Science and Information Science research area and provide a platform for researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet the share cutting-edge development in the field.
#Id | Authors | Title | Affiliation | Country |
2 | Muazzam Artikova | Slam Method in Spatial Augmented Reality Technology in Mobile Applications | Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi | Uzbekistan |
14 | Heribertus Ary Setyadi, Galih Setyawan Nurohim, Wawan Nugroho, Doddy Satrya Perbawa, Budi Al Amin, Ahmad Fauzi | Customize Template Design And Verify Quick Response Code For Issuing E-Certificate | Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika | Indonesia |
16 | Sahat Sonang, Yuhandri, Muhammad Tajuddin | Advancements in Deep Learning Optimization for Post-Seismic Building Damage Detection A Systematic Review | Politeknik Bisnis Indonesia | Indonesia |
18 | Oky Kurniawan, Yuris Alkhalifi, Lady Agustin Fitriana, Muhammad Rifqi Firdaus, Amin Nur Rais, Sofian Wira Hadi | Hyperparameter Tuning Optimization on Machine Learning Models to Predict Software Defects | Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika | Indonesia |
19 | Divana Natasha Suryaatmaja, Natasha Roderica Susanto, Doni Purnama Alamsyah | The Importance of Perceived Compatibility and Observability for Mobile Money Use | Bina Nusantara University | Indonesia |
21 | Labib Yusuf Aditama, Uus Khusni, Sriyadi Sriyadi, Sulistiyah Sulistiyah, Ivan Aprizal, Meryl Putra Pratama | Automatic Face Detection Uses Deep Learning to Prevent Cheating in General Election | Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika | Indonesia |
26 | Laura Tsanaullailla, Inggit Agranata, Steven Samba, Faqih Hamami | Road Pothole Damage Detector at Night Using YOLOv8 | Telkom University | Indonesia |
27 | Inggit Yeira Budi Agranata, Laura Tsanaullailla, Steven Harun Samba, Faqih Hamami | Real-Time Graffiti Vandalism Detection: Enhancing Public Safety with the YOLOv8 Algorithm | Telkom University | Indonesia |
38 | Doni Purnama Alamsyah, Kania Alma Tiara, Irma Setyawati | Startup Readiness Level Apps: The Support of Self-Efficacy for Sustainable Entrepreneurial Intention | Bina Nusantara University | Indonesia |
40 | mahmoud farfoura, Ahmad Alkhatib | A Novel QR-based Dimensionality Reduction Method for Malware Classification | Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Amman | Jordan |
43 | Yunia Mulyani Azis , Mochammad Sarosa, Septriandi Wirayoga | Onion Seedling Growth Optimization in Wates Village with Genetic Algorithm for Periodic Watering | STIE Ekuitas Bandung | Indonesia |
45 | Moechammad Sarosa, Mila Kusuma Wardani, Dimas Firmanda Al Riza, Yunia Mulyani Azis, Ekananda Sulistyo Putra | Android-based Public Supported Agriculture System for Grape Farmers | State Polytechnic of Malang | Indonesia |
46 | Siti Khotimatul Wildah, Abdul Latif | The Effect of Hyperparameter Tuning on the Identification of Tree Seedling Mortality Using Logistic Regression Based on Environmental and Soil Factors | Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika | Indonesia |
49 | Ahmed Kareem, Sadiq A. Mehdi, Salah Albermany | Construct and Dynamic Analyzing of a Novel Eight-Dimensional Hyperchaotic System | Middle Technical University, Mustansiriyah University, University of Kufa | Iraq |
51 | anik andriani, Anastasia Meyliana, Indriyanti Indriyanti, Vadlya Maarif, Syukron Akhmad | Resampling and Ensemble Method for Enhance Breast Cancer Classification Performance in Imbalance Dataset | Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika | Indonesia |
53 | Md Mahbub Alam | Bangladesh Software Industry: Factors Impacting On-Time Delivery in Hybrid Projects Management | Independent University | Bangladesh |
54 | Md Mahbub Alam | Unveiling Serverless: A Systematic Review of Software Architectures | Independent University | Bangladesh |
57 | Mahaning Indrawaty Wijaya, Aily Kho Weny | Analysis of Consumer Behavior and Satisfaction of Self-Ordering Systems in Indonesian Fast Food Restaurants | Bina Nusantara University | Indonesia |
58 | Septriandi Wirayoga, Azam Muzakhim Imammuddien, Hadiwiyatno Hadiwiyatno, Mochammad Abdullah Anshori | Implementation Monitoring Of Energy Harvesting For Electric Gear Motor Resources Using Rectenna, Solar And Dynamo Based On Android | Politeknik Negeri Malang | Indonesia |
68 | Dyah Ayu Megawaty, Damayanti Damayanti, Sumanto Sumanto, Setiawansyah Setiawansyah, Yongki Permana Putra, Clifansi Remi Siwi Hati | Comparative Analysis of Student Organization Chair Candidate Selection Using a Combination of ROC-Multi Attribute Utility Theory and ROC- Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique | Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika | Indonesia |
71 | Nathasya Rizandi, Grisella Meirisia Zega, Henry Lucky, Meiliana Meiliana | Exploration of MBTI Personality Prediction through the Application of Traditional Data Augmentation | Bina Nusantara University | Indonesia |
72 | Moechammad Sarosa, Asfiyatul Badriyah, Rosa Andrie Asmara, Mila Kusuma Wardani , Dimas Firmanda Al Riza , Yunia Mulyani Azis | Performance Analysis of MobileNET on Grape Leaf Disease Detection | Politeknik Negeri Malang | Indonesia |
74 | Luthfi Ainiya Putri , Rahayu Ningsih, Sinta Rukiastiandari, Minda Septiani | Comparison of C4.5 Algorithms and Naive Bayes in Measuring Customer Satisfaction in Airlines | Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika | Indonesia |
81 | Mughni Rahmat Alaziz, Denny Pribadi, Diah Puspitasari, Rizal Amegia Saputra, Lisnawanty Lisnawanty, Rusli Nugraha | Smart Driver Safety: Fatigue Detection Using YOLOv8 and Facial Landmarks | Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika | Indonesia |
33 | Nunung Nurhasanah, Anissa Noviyanti, Budi Aribowo, Dody Haryadi, Wiwik Sudarwati, Tharra Azzahra Riyana, Hani Adinda Putri | Supply Chain Demand Forecasting based on Upstream and Midstream Network of Sunflower Agro-industry Data using Artificial Neural Networks | University of Al-Azhar Indonesia | Indonesia |
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Notification of Paper Acceptance | |
Camera Ready Due | October 12, 2024 |
Final Registration Due | October 31, 2024 |
Conference Day | November 25-26, 2024 |
Attendance | Presenter | USD | IDR |
Hybrid |
Students | 200 | 2.200.000 |
IEEE Member | 200 | 2.200.000 | |
Presenters | 225 | 2.500.000 | |
Second Registered Paper | 100 | 1.100.000 |
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